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Thank you! We partnered with @upcyclecrc to donate…

* 12 “Decorate A Flower Pot” kits to the kids of Casa Chirilagua

* “Mother’s Day Card” kits to the families of the Alexandria’s Community Shelter

* The first 12 Tinker Time registrations


It is more important than ever to bring seasonal blooms into our homes.

We are adding more ways for you to support our local flower farmers with C. S. Buckets, a new DIY option; and a range of C. S. Bouquet sizes so you can choose the best flowers for your space.

Our mission is to make locally grown, seasonal flowers more accessible to our community. As a courtesy, contactless Front Door delivery to Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia is free.
— Angela Darrah AIFD CFD

Support our local flower farmers! C.S. Bouquets are flowers you can feel good about buying.

Learn the story behind your beautiful blooms. In 2019, we bought from 22 different local flower farmers! Pictured: Jackie from Tierra Blooms Flower Farm @tierrablooms is one of seven farmers that make up the Monocacy Valley Flower Coop. Follow them @monocacyvalleyflowercoop.


Seasonal flowers connect us to the real world around us.

Learn which flowers are blooming now!

Pictured: An early spring bouquet of ranunculus, dianthus, pieris japonica, boxwood, stock and sweet peas grown in Baltimore, Maryland by the @butterbeefarm and @helens_garden.


Connect with us on Instagram @csbouquets - Learn more about the inspiration behind our bouquets, and get a glimpse of all the hard work that goes on at the farms.