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The Slow Flower Movement

Do you know where your flowers come from?


Like slow food, the ‘slow flower’ movement asks us to stop and make a conscious choice to buy locally grown, seasonal flowers.

Do you know where your flowers came from? Who grew them? How you can support the flower farmers in Maryland, Virginia, and DC?

The idea behind Community Supported Bouquets is to connect more people in Alexandria with their local farmers and the flowers they cultivate.

We cut beautiful blooms and bring them into our homes to make our living spaces feel more alive.

In this sense, local flowers are the best. They are the flowers that are actually blooming in your immediate environment right now. Each time you look at your bouquet, you are exploring Karen’s, Helen’s, or Leon’s garden.

Define Local? For our purpose, a local farm is one that is within a two hour drive from our home studio in Alexandria, Virginia.