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Meet Angela

Angela Darrah AIFD, CFD.


Welcome to Community Supported Bouquets, or as I like to call it, C. S. Bouquets for short. I am so happy that you are interested in locally grown flowers. After the birth of my daughter, I discovered the Slow Flower Movement and instantly fell in love! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect you to the vibrant floriculture scene in the DMV through our curated, seasonal bouquets. As a busy Mom-preneur myself, I understand that not everyone has time to go the farmers market, nor does everyone like to “play” with flowers like we do. Our goal is to make beautiful, locally grown flowers easy and accessible for people living in Alexandria.


Angela Darrah AIFD, CFD

Angela is a nationally certified designer inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers back in 2012. As a proud Coast Guard spouse, Angela has studied floral design in Florida, Hawaii, New Orleans, Philadelphia, and now DC. A Maryland-girl at heart, Angela has a degree in Economics from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and lives with her husband and young daughter Josephine in Del Ray, Virginia. Feel free to follow Angela’s journey on Instagram @angeladarrahaifd.


European Handtied Bouquets

Our bouquets are full of lush texture, beautiful color, and because we support multiple farms, unique seasonal flowers. We consider our bouquets to be a living work of art designed just for you. Each is bound with twine making it easy to care for and enjoy.

Our Farm Partners

We have the utmost respect for our local flower farmers that cultivate beauty from the land. C. S. Bouquets supports everyone from urban micro-farms to large, multigenerational family farms. Do you know where your flowers come from?

Flower Stewardship

We want to empower our fellow local flower lovers! Connect with us on social media and learn more about care & handling, the inspiration behind our bouquets, and get a glimpse of all the hard work that goes on at the farm.