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Flower Care

Prepare your vase

Bacteria is the number one killer of flowers. Give your flowers the best start possible with a CLEAN glass or glazed ceramic vase. Our bouquets look great in a vase around 10” tall. We would start our petite bouquets in a 6-7” vase.

Each bouquet comes with a package of flower food that ensures your blooms have the proper energy to open. Use one packet of flower food for every 2 cups of clean, cool water.

Add your bouquet

Since your bouquet is delivered in water, it is not necessary to cut the stems right away. Just carefully remove your bouquet from the plastic bag of water (over a sink preferably), and immediately add it to your prepared vase. If the flowers sit out of water for any period of time, give them a fresh cut by removing the bottom 1/2” of the stem at an angle with a sharp knife or clippers.

Place the bouquet in a cool location being sure to avoid drafts or direct sunshine.

We find it helpful to place a coaster or cork pad under our vase to soak up water and save our furniture from ugly water rings.

Maintain your flowers

Every other day give your flowers a fresh drink by changing the water in your vase. If you don’t flower food available, fresh cool water will do. We prefer the filtered water from the refrigerator.

It is also a good idea to recut the stems every few days. Think of the stems as an organic straw. If the straw is clogged, your flowers can’t drink!

To keep your flowers fresh as long as possible, remove the individual blossoms as they mature.

If you have any questions, please feel email us at Just a quick note on quality control, you may of seen pictures of our quality control bouquets on Instagram. We keep a few stems of each flower variety we use. It’s not only a great perk for us, but helps us make sure that you receive the best quality flowers possible.